September 30, 2010

Upcoming conferences (concern Fees) - The latent ones

Saint-Malo Intra-Muros.
I went like an "animal sot" to Saint-Malo (Brittany) and returned enchanted by the 2010 edition of the Latent Variable Analysis and Independant Component Analysis (LVA-ICA 2010). The four excellent keynote/plenary speeches:
  • When tensor decomposition meets compressed sensing, by Pierre Comon (University of Nice, France), admittedly with an ad-like title, more akin to coherence than CS;
  • Discrimination with deformation for classification, by Stéphane Mallat (Ecole Polytechnique, France), when mapping complex wavelet coefficients to the lower frequencies yields a scattering metric;
  • Bayesian non-negative matrix factorisation methods to detect dye labelled DNA oligonucleotides in multiplexed Raman spectra, by Mark Girolami (University of Glasgow, UK);
  • 2nd order statistics + A 3rd data dimension = Just weight and see!, by Arie Yeredor (Tel-Aviv University, Israel);
should be webcasted soon (stay tuned, i got audio bootlegs for personal use). Meanwhile, the next LVA/ICA 2012 will be held in Spring 2012 in Tel Aviv, Israel (see SIVA conferences). An internship is proposed in 2011 at IFP Energies nouvelles on that peculiar domain.

Among other latent events recently announced:
SPARS 2011 (Workshop: Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations) in Edinburgh, Scotland (DL: 27/06/2011) from 30/06/2011 to 30/08/2010;
SSP 2011 (IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing) in Nice, France (DL: 15/01/2011) for  28/06/2011 to 30/06/2011;
ICCV 2013 (International Conference on Computer Vision) is announced in Barcelona, Spain;
GenSIPS 2010 (IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics) at Cold Spring Harbor USA-NY from  10/11/2010 to 12/11/2010;
DSP 2011 (International Conference on Digital Signal Processing) in Corfu, Greece (DL: 14/01/2011) from 06/07/2011 to 08/07/201;

Télécharger internet : les systèmes d'intelligence artificielle ont besoin de données humainement générées, et fiables, pour apprendre et gén...