July 4, 2008

Concern Fees - About conferences (in signal and image processing)

Having spotted before the stricking anagrammatic link between "conferences" and "fees concern", through a digression on Juran's famous hammer and nail quote, this post initiates a series of annoucements on some upcoming signal and image processing conferences of interest since, generally, conference deadlines represent strong incentives for scientific outcomes. Due to the myriad of such events, let us consider this series, to the first order, as a self-remainder. A more complete list of signal and image processing conferences is also available.

First annoucement is SSP 2009 (IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing). It has been annouced in Cardiff, Wales, from 31/08/2009 to 03/09/2009 (present deadline: 27/04/2009).
The theoretical topics include: Adaptive and nonlinear signal processing, Blind detection and separation, Broadband beamforming, Cognitive signal processing, Detection and estimation, Distributed signal processing, Monte Carlo methods, Multi-modal techniques, Optimization in signal processing, System identification and calibration, Time-frequency and time-scale analysis; with applications in Array processing, radar and sonar, Automotive and industrial applications, Bioinformatics and genomic signal processing, Biosignal processing and medical imaging, Communication systems and networks, Information forensics and security, Multi-dimensional signal processing, New methods, directions and applications, Sensor network.

ICA 2009 (International conference on ICA and Signal Separation) is announced in Paraty, Brazil, to be help in Spring 2009.
Independent Component Analysis and Signal Separation is one of the most exciting current areas of research in statistical signal processing and unsupervised machine learning. The area has received attention from several research communities including machine learning, neural networks, statistical signal processing and Bayesian modeling. independent Component Analysis and Signal Separation has applications at the intersection of many science and engineering disciplines concerned with understanding and extracting useful information from data as diverse as neuronal activity and brain images, bioinformatics, communications, the world wide web, audio, video, sensor signals, or time series.
PCS 2009 (Picture Coding Symposium) takes places in Chicago, Illinois, USA (Purdue University) from 06/05/2009 to 08/05/2009. Deadline to be announced.
Topics of interest inculde: Coding of still and moving pictures, Content-based and object-based coding, Scalable video coding, Coding of multiview video and 3D graphics, Modeling and synthetic coding, Virtual/augmented reality and telepresence, Coding for mobile, IP and sensor networks, High fidelity visual data processing and coding, Analysis for coding and adaptation, Transcoding and transmoding, Joint audio and visual processing and coding, Subjective and objective quality assessment metrics and methods, Error robustness, resilience and concealment, Coding and indexing for database applications, Protection and integrity of visual data, Persistent association of information to visual data, Joint source and channel coding, Implementation architectures and VLSI, New applications and techniques for visual data coding, Standards for visual data coding.
Last for today, ISMM 2009 (9th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology) in Groningen, The Netherlands, deadline on 16/01/2009, to be held from 24/08/2009 to 27/08/2009. Final website unknown at the present time, first announcement here.
Gross topics: Lattice Theory, Geometry and Topology, Signal Processing, Image Processing, Connectivity, Segmentation, Machine Learning, Algorithms and Architectures, with applications.

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