September 7, 2012

SIVA Conferences : concern fees (update)

Although conferences = concern fees (with the anagram equivalence) for a few organizers, they allow to grab a few call for papers to other conferences. Grabbed from EUSIPCO 2012, along with cfp1 and cfp2 (on time-frequency theory and applications), and after a couple of proofs from a finally painfully published paper in Geophysics, the recent opening of GRETSI 2013 website in Brest, France, provides a good opportunity to release the latest updates on Signal, Image and Volume Analysis (SIVA) Conferences:

Eurographics 2013 (Annual conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics) calls for papers on 21/09/2013. CVPR 2015 (IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition) is announced in Boston, Massachussetts, USA; ICIP 2016 (IEEE International Conference on Image Processing) in Phoenix, Arizona, USA; ICCV 2015 (International Conference on Computer Vision) in Santiago, Chile. 

One of the next target is ICASSP 2013 in Vancouver, Canada, with submission deadline on 19/11/2012. And many more at SIVA Conferences...

For those interested in writing time-frequency papers, two special issue call for papers:

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