May 20, 2013

A touch of Henry Moore and the Nits

Reclining figure, Henry Moore, Lincoln Center
New York could as well have been Dutch. In 1609, English explorer Henry Hudson (according to wikipedia): 
re-discovered the region, sailing for his employer the Dutch East India Company. He proceeded to sail up what he named the North River, also called the Mauritis River, and now known as the Hudson River, to the site of the present-day New York State capital of Albany in the belief that it might represent an oceanic tributary. When the river narrowed and was no longer saline, he realized it wasn't a sea passage and sailed back downriver. He made a ten-day exploration of the area and claimed the region for his employer. In 1614 the area between Cape Cod and Delaware Bay would be claimed by the Netherlands and called Nieuw-Nederland (New Netherland).
The capital of Nieuw-Nederland was located in the southern tip of Manhattan. A last proof is the New York City flag, derived from the Prince's flag, the flag of the Dutch republic (with the date of 1625).
There are many good reasons to go to New York City and spend a lot of time strolling through this amazing city.  One of the reasons that led me to first ride on Greyhound on 1998 from Boston to New York is the album Nits in concert, which I bought earlier in a second-hand record shop in Boston. A relatively rare promo-CD where the Nits (a Dutch band) explain some of their songs' lyrics meanings. Which is a neat way to dive into their song writing atmosphere.

On Nits in concert,  there is a track called "A touch of Henry Moore", where they allude (lyrics) to a sculpture called "Reclining figure" (1965). It was 15 years ago at UNO headquarters, it now dwells at  the Lincoln Center. Here I was back again this Tuesday (picture on the top left).  I like this instrumentally minimalist version of "A touch of Henry Moore" (from album Omsk), which still evokes the hammering of a brass being beaten. Another version used a large tube & pipe wall, My second best remains this one, in a more visually appealing vision with percussions on a  blocky squared wall.

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