May 10, 2014

Computational Harmonic Analysis: Winter School

This message was communicated to me by Caroline Chaux, to share:

Computational Harmonic Analysis: Winter School, Marseille, October 2014

We are pleased to announce the winter school on Computational Harmonic Analysis - with Applications to Signal and Image Processing, that will be held in October 2014 (20-24), in Marseille, France (at CIRM).

The topics will be:
  • Mathematical and numerical aspects of frame theory
  • Time-frequency frames and applications to audio analysis
  • Wavelets, shearlets and geometric frames (and others *-lets or directional wavelets)
  • Inverse problems and optimization
This winter school will bring together PhD-students and young PostDocs (as well as a few experts) in the field of computational harmonic analysis, in order to explain the background and the efficiency as well as the range of application of a number of numerical algorithms which are based on the Fourier-, the wavelet and the Short-Time Fourier Transform (Time-Frequency and Gabor Analysis), as well as other atomic decomposition techniques, in particular in higher dimensions (shearlets, curvelets,...).

There is a wide range of topics to be covered, from the theoretical background (from infinite-dimensional settings, expressed in terms of function spaces to finite dimensional situations) to the development of efficient algorithms and the real-world applications to music- and sound processing or for image analysis tasks.  mathematically oriented lectures will be complemented with practical computer sessions.

The school will be limited to 40 participants. Registration is free but mandatory by June, 30th 2014. Participants can present their work during poster sessions if they want. Abstracts can be submitted by September, 1st 2014.

More information can be found on the dedicated website:

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