June 12, 2016

Pêcheurs de perles, une parabole (in French, BEADS and CHOPtrey)

This post is about pearls found in apparently simple but yet complex industrial-type questions, and a handful of parabolas. Two practical applications are found in analytical chemistry with  BEADS: Baseline Estimation And Denoising w/ Sparsity and in cyber-physical system co-simulation with  CHOPtrey: Contextual Polynomial extrapolation for real-time forecasting. The whole stuff  is just a parabola, or a parable

I was not at my best level of confidence in this talk, even in French. I had to completely change the talk a couple of days before. Politics... The best dwells in the Dave Gilmour (or Pink Floyd) parts:
The talk, in French, parle de perles trouvées dans des questions à la fois simples et complexes, et d'une poignée de paraboles. Avec deux applications au filtrage de lignes de base en analyse physico-chimique, et pour la co-simulation de systèmes complexes avec des extrapolations polynomiales contextuelles. C'était à Maths en mouvement. The related works are:

Pêcheurs de perles, par Laurent Duval from Contact FSMP on Vimeo.

I just needed some parabolic relaxation.
Parabolic relaxation

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