September 27, 2008

Concern fees - Upcoming conferences - PCS 2009

The 2009 Picture Coding Symposium has been announced and its website made public
Website : PCS 2009
Submission deadline: November 21 , 2008
Conference dates: May 6-8, 2009

Topics of interest include:
  • Coding of still and moving pictures
  • Content-based and object-based coding
  • Scalable video coding
  • Coding of multiview video and 3D graphics
  • Modeling and synthetic coding
  • Virtual/augmented reality and telepresence
  • Coding for mobile, IP and sensor networks
  • High fidelity visual data processing and coding
  • Analysis for coding and adaptation
  • Transcoding and transmoding
  • Joint audio and visual processing and coding
  • Subjective and objective quality assessment metrics and methods
  • Error robustness, resilience and concealment
  • Coding and indexing for database applications
  • Protection and integrity of visual data
  • Persistent association of information to visual data
  • Joint source and channel coding
  • Implementation architectures and VLSI
  • New applications and techniques for visual data coding
  • Standards for visual data coding
SIVA Conferences

September 20, 2008

If Mike's dog really ate his frog - On the peer review origin

I originally underestimated the peer review argument in Attempts to hedge out peer review, where Eric Weinstein associates it with the "If Mike's dog really ate his frog" growing meme. In most of the scientific world, we revere pi, setting high standards to what should be published and known. Thus, let's unveil the truth: the dog's name was Bagel, which could become a peer review paradigm, as Lenna is for image processing (another Lenna tells us about a very interesting bagel and salad diet, giving us the missing link between two paradigms).
Chad Orzel quotes this anectode in Uncertain principles, with Google slightly giving it more echoes (a thought to Richard Wright by the way), as pointed out on Nuit Blanche by Igor Carron. He also refers to the soft pion theorem, but what about very cold neutrons?

September 18, 2008

Concern Fees - About PIMRC 2009

Apparently, from the logs of the SIVA Conferences web page (post title anagramatic explanation), tons of radio people are looking for the next 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Conference (PIMRC the 20th), which was planned in Yokohama (Japan). Luckily, PIMRC 2009 website has just been released, and holds in Tokyo (Japan again). Don't ask me why. Its 2009 theme is "Giga bit Wireless for Real Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications".

You may look at the 20th PIMRC 2009 call for papers. The submission dead-line is 06/03/2009 (03/06/09 American style, which looks arithmetically nicer but has ambiguities), and the conference is from 16/09/2009 to 18/09/2008. Topics follow:

PHY related topics
Antenna & Propagation
Modulation & Coding
Equalization and Synchronization
Cognitive radio
Millimeter wave
Enabling technologies
Beamforming antenna, MEMS, RF CMOS, etc
MAC related topics
Ad-hoc network management
Resource management
Cross-layer management
802.11/15/16 MAC
Network related topics
Cognitive wireless network
Cooperative network
Ecological wireless network
Multi-hop network
Mobile agent
Wireless ad-hoc network
Sensor network
Local dependent network
Mobile computing
Mobile IP network
Application related topics
Next generation digital home network
Secure network
Wireless robotics
Social wireless networks
In-car/Intra-car communications
Millimeter Giga-bit applications
Medical ICT applications

Other signal/image processing people concerned by fees should look at the Signal, Image, Video and Applications conferences page. Submissions welcome.

September 16, 2008

Well if Mike's dog really ate his frog, let us update

The Mike from "if Mike's dog really ate his frog" is Michael D. Grossberg. After a PhD in Mathematics from MIT, after having his dog being quoted by co-author Yael Karshon, he is apparently active in the signal/image processing community, which is... interesting to me, at least. More interesting, let us have a closer look at Mike's place: Crypting writings again? No, probably a spur of Mike's Dog. But what would happen if Mike's dog really ate his blog?

September 15, 2008

What if Mike's dog really ate his frog? - On Liar's grief, faked mythologies

If Mike's dog really ate his frog is taken from a talk by Eric Weinstein: Attempts to hedge out peer review (between slides 73 and 79). It is an if and only if condition which remained long undiscovered (even if cited). It anagrams to Liar's grief, faked mythologies, which is not unrelated to its origin (cryptic writings in a PhD thesis for a student to confound his advisor). An other reference may be found at Project Euclid; just enter "ate + frog" in the fulltext search box, you get this very serious paper:

The moment map and line bundles over presymplectic toric manifolds, Yael Karshon and Susan Tolman, J. Differential Geom. Volume 38, Number 3 (1993), 465-484.

Igor Carron at Nuit Blanche suggested to meme this sentence. Let us join the mob.

P.S.: all apologies to Eric Weinstein for a name misspelling. Instead of an insincere wite (blame), to you I write incense, gold and myrrh gifts in shape of anagrams, hoping to build together irenic new ties with forgiveness, since i renew it: my apology!

September 12, 2008

A real duet - On dual-tree wavelets (and a Matlab toolbox)

True pieces of art elude science (left picture borrowed from Flickr). Anyway, dual-tree wavelets form a real duet in Hilbert transform type harmony. But the true deal comes from some software implementing this possibly complex wavelet decomposition.

Version 1.2 of the M-band dual-tree wavelet Matlab toolbox has been released. It is available from Caroline Chaux webpage or directly from the link:

The toolbox implements several 2-band and M-band wavelets (e.g. Meyer 2, 3 and 4 bands, Haar, Shannon etc.) in the Hilbert transform based dual-tree wavelet framework. Theoretical results, applications and comparisons may be found in the following papers from

Image Analysis Using a Dual-Tree M-Band Wavelet Transform
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 15, No.8, Aug. 2006, p. 2397-2412

Noise Covariance Properties in Dual-Tree Wavelet Decompositions
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 53, No. 12, Dec. 2007, pp. 4680-4700.

A Nonlinear Stein Based Estimator for Multichannel Image Denoising
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 56, No. 8, Aug. 2008, pp. 3855-3870.

September 2, 2008

Ice Soup - About EUSIPCO 2008 (and signal in general)

The "Signal de Sauvabelin" is a beautiful wooden tower offering a great Laussane panorama. This "signal perspective" was celebrated at the very same place in Switzerland place last week at EUSIPCO 2008. Enjoy some other pictures taken from cold Swiss lakes (hence the Ice Soup) at Picasa.

Meanwhile, i may have another Signal Tower close to home, at La Defense (close to Paris), since Jean Nouvel recently won the contest for this renewal minded building.

Temporary exhibition of the contest's finalists at Cité Chaillot, from 25 June to 30 September 2008.

On my window by 2015. But since then, many other signal and image processing conferences will provide us with travel opportunities. The 17th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2009, conference will be held in Edinburgh, Scotland. An good reason to meet the 32th (Scottish) Signal Squadron? Discover the challenge, as they say. All along the watch tower,
there must be some way out of here...

Télécharger internet : les systèmes d'intelligence artificielle ont besoin de données humainement générées, et fiables, pour apprendre et gén...